Hello There, I’m Lauren

and I’m going to assist you in making your life easier. 

I am a creative copywriter who helps small business owners and entrepreneurs liven up their marketing with product descriptions, email sequences, and blogs. 


Way cool!

Copy that Connects, authentically.

No robot needed. 

Copywriting that creates connection with your new customers, growth (in your wallet and heart!), and with a side of boldness. (Cuz copy shouldn’t be boring)

You, my friend, are working way too hard. As a small business owner in a Daddy Bezos world, you want to cut through the garbage of copy that sounds like a robot created it. I know I do. 

Sit Back. Relax. Deep Breath. I got thissssss.

You’ve found copywriting that allows you to have relationships with your clients quicker and get them to act on your service, so you can focus on you. Cuz you deserve that.  

I know why you’re here.

And thank goodness we found each other.

Let’s cut to the chase: you don't want to spend all your time researching and crafting the perfect copy for your business.

As a small business owner and content creator, you’re already burning the midnight oil, sweating your butt off, working overtime. So why not let me take care of it for you?

Speaking of working overtime…

I bet you are:

-Tired of trying to come up with catchy product descriptions that don't put people to sleep.

-Annoyed that your website hasn’t been getting enough of the hits that it once did.

-Stretched thin with all the other stuff you juggle as an entrepreneur. 

Lemme guess… you’re here to: 

- Connect with new clients and customers

-You’re looking for a creative and interesting way to reach people, that catches their eye and their coin. 

-And, you need help with your Search Engine Optimization (What is that? Keep reading, stay with me)

But what is Copy? Exactly? 

It's a form of writing that allows the reader (your customer) to act on a product, service, link, etc, so you can get more eyes on your business, easily.

The best copy gets you to act. The greatest copy gets you to respond. 

But why invest?

If you’re having a rough time reaching new clients, new customers, more clicks on the website, or gosh dang it, you just can’t come up with a product description for the life of you that doesn’t put you to sleep, this is where I enter the picture. 

How would I get more eyes on my website or service, though? 

Introducing: Search Engine Optimization

Let me tell you a quick story. Years ago, my mom was in town, visiting from Wyoming. So naturally, she wanted the best Mahi Mahi this side of the Rockies could offer. My roommate told me “Hey, you should take her to this cute seafood place in Malibu! But– I can’t remember the name?” 

So whipping out Google, I just entered Malibu Seafood. Search. Results? A restaurant verbatim called Malibu Seafood. “Is this the one?” I asked, showing my roomie a photo. “Yep!”  

Of course, your business probably doesn’t have quite the ‘on the nose’ name. (And if you do, you’ve really cornered the market! Brava, Dog Treats with Organic Ingredients!) 

But, let me get to the point. 

I wasn’t sure of the name, but I was sure of the service I wanted. I typed that in, and this was the first option on Google. And it got my business! 

That's the essence of Search Engine Optimization. Now imagine if Malibu Seafood didn’t have a website, or any text on their website about where they are located, or the Mahi Mahi. I would've gone to the next restaurant, their competitor, Malibu Fish Shack (Kidding, no such thing) 

If you’re looking for a copywriter that can bring your product, service, whatever you wanna call it, up a few notches, I’m your girl. 

I’m a master at ecommerce blogs, a wordsmith at emails, and I can write product descriptions blindfolded. (Not really, but you catch my drift.)

Let's free up some of your time, and let me take care of it. 

How does this Work?

  1. You find me intriguing, (That’s a given, lets go to step 2)

  2. Following the instructions on the ‘Get in touch page’, you set up a 15 minute introductory call. We chat, and make sure this is a good fit for both of us.

  3. You say “Hell yes”

  4. I send a questionnaire that gets to the core of your brand’s message, so we weed through what we don’t want. Let’s get to what makes your business good.

  5. 2 Weeks Delivery, promised. 

About Me

I’m a 29 year old writer/actor/part time esthetician/lover of all things spooky.

I’ve been living in Los Angeles since 2022, and have been pursuing copywriting since 2023. 

I have been known to read product descriptions out loud to friends to make them laugh, forward funny emails I get from companies, and found myself down the health blog rabbit hole.

I want your business to succeed, and I want to speak to your clients in a fun, casual, and memorable way.  

Kind Words

Lauren is an amazing person and writer. She took to copywriting like her fingers were born and bred for it; the way she captures your voice and gives it her own fun flair is something that absolutely speaks to your ideal customer in a way only she can. She has an amazing attention to detail and diligent focus on what makes something not only good, but great. If you want a copywriter who's fun to work with, will talk to your ideal client the way you would, and keeps it real, you want Lauren.”

-Dena Williams, Copywriter and Business Owner

Lauren Minder



Let’s stay connected

Reach out about a project, collaboration or just to say hello!